Design Icon – Landscape


We believe in changing the world through the power of design. To do this we are local first then global. One of the most powerful forms of local community building and cultural evolution is art. Through art we tell our stories from our past present and future using a borderless language much like architecture does. In communities like Phoenix we have open the doors to our graffiti artist to enhance our city scape, to tell our collective stories and to transform architecture, elevating the design experience of our communities. Graffiti art has evolved from wall drawings in caves, to people tagging walls with their names and symbols, to a curated and deliberated demonstration of artful skills combine with a passionate message. Murals communicated to each individual something different. The message behind a mural can be transform and reinterpreted as a collective creating a long lasting memory on a community. This art expression is ephemeral unlike architecture which has a longer live expand. The idea of transformation over time is elusive to most structures but large scale murals allow us to live this transformation and evolve an architectural element over time